Thursday, November 8, 2012

A Year &Then Some..

So it's been over a year since I've updated this.
The layout, title, everything just feels so refreshing and I love that. I love the refreshing essence of this.
Unfortunately, I am not the best blogger.
I'm what now will be considered "old school." I'd rather shift through the pages of a book, hold it in my hands,  place it on my bookshelf. It is just what I would rather do.
With that in mind I'd rather pick up a notebook, bring pen to paper and write.
I've grown up with a computer but I'm more all around comfortable writing it with my hands, than typing.
Although typing, and having things stored digitally definitely has its advantages.
But for me comfort overrides that. I also enjoy doodling, get sidetracked then begin writing on the margins, along with decorate the paragraph, sentence, page, whatever. It's something I can't do online.
Anyways I'm not even comfortable sharing intimate thoughts and experiences with the interverse. Interverse, hah! I'm not even old.
Anywho, I'd much rather just share ideas, collections of nonsense, and whatevertheheck else here.

Who knows, maybe I'll update this more than just once a year!

So what has happened in a year since?
New years, traveling to the Caribbean, school, work, getting in touch with old friends, losing touch with friends (touch now looks weird to me. Touch, touch, touch...), let's see... reading a lot, drawing, sketching, developing my stories, discovering K-Pop, the beach and it's beautiful wonders, the city at night, six flags, roller coasters, walking with fish, finding seashells, shoes, taking care of my hair, exfoliating, dreams, realizations, oh so much.
Hurricanes, having school out for a week, snow storms, heat waves too.
If I were to condense a year and then some into a blog post it will not do it justice. Time just keeps on going by, and here I am spending that time reliving the moments on this blog instead of living some more.
So for now, I bid you adieu. See you in the next equinox I guess.
Equinox what a pretty word.